A still and reasonably warm day today, so I decided to start repainting our garden gates and shed doors.

The hardest part was opening the tin, which took me about 10 minutes to work out how/where to open it...followed by the realisation that the 'bargain' at £5 a tin that we got in Tesco is 'autumn gold', not the green that we thought :(... the paint in the tin looked a horrible mustardy-orange.  I did the small shed door, and the side of one of the gates facing away from the house/down the garden...but when it dried it was actually a reasonably ok colour, so I will risk the other side too.  Just need another two or three dry days to get them all done.  It was good to be out in sunshine for a couple of hours, and the small rabbit was less than ten metres away from me while I painted :)

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