Bike ride (Day 722)

Things haven't gone quite according to plan today. The morning dog walk was fine - bright sunshine and no wind was a pleasant change, but the midges certainly weren't.
At home I got organised to head out to the first job of the day, which should have been really straightforward but for a multitude of reasons, wasn't. It took way longer than anticipated. From there I went on to Ej's where there was a little tap repair to do. It didn't go according to plan either. From Ej's I went off to change a tap, which should have been relatively easy except to access the underside of the tap I had to wriggle through an impossibly small gap. It took longer than it should have done.
I missed out on the afternoon dog walk, and got home just in time to see my beautiful wife heading off to work a 24 hour shift.
I took advantage of the sunshine and got out on the bike for the first time in ages, and had a really nice cycle. the view from the high point of the route was worth slogging up the hill for.

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