
Dragged my sorry ass out to visit parents today (my cold is begining to set in now).

Had to sit in the quiet lounge for a while whilst Mum got her lunch and then only got a few minutes before 'nap time' was imposed. Takes me back to primary school that ...........a nap after lunch.

She was really confused today and now has a tube for self administering her pain medication.
I think she has given up the fight now Christmas and New Year are over.

Dad on the other hand was on great form. He was speaking clearly and was both understanding and understandable.
It didn't stop him going for a perambulation aound the corridors trying door handles.

He isn't the only one that does it and today he met up with two of the other residents at the end of one corridor.
No1 son had a laugh and described it like Shaun Of The Dead as the 3 of them all took it in turn to try all the door handles.

I had to agree ............ it was funny to watch.

On the way home as we turned onto the City Bypass at the Gyle (a huge roundabout with 3 lanes leading onto the bypass) I was in teh outside lane in my bog standard Honda Civic with a sporty Honda 2000 on my inside.
He obviously didn't like the idea of a family saloon passing him so started to speed up and pass me on the inside.

Foolish boy .......... he lost traction and started doing a nice spin.
The look on his face as he realised he was losing it was a picture as the back of his car passed the front.
I didn't see it for long as his female passenger fairly quickly came into view along side us.
Now that was a picture I would love to have got.
But I wasn't hanging around as I had to floor it so that the back of his car didn't hit the back of mine as he continued his very elegant spin.
I managed to avoid him by about a foot I think.
In my mirror I saw him come to a halt facing the wrong way with stuff coming at him from must have seemed like everywhere.
Nobody hit him though and he didn't even touch the kerbs.

What a lucky boy.

But I think he now has an exgirlfriend .......... and a very smelly car interior.

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