Hanging in there...

The Boss almost didn’t go this morning as things looked grim but his trusty fruitphone said the weather would be OK so we did. Up Mt Iron that is.

Then he spent the rest of the day fighting leaves and now he will spend the rest of the night sneezing as he appears to be overly sensitive to leaf gathering especially with his Emower that mulches them for easier handling.
 At this time of year we get a LOT of leaves as there are some pretty big and old trees that seem to drop them aided by todays strong winds so it is a constant battle for about another week and they will be gone. (from the trees NOT from the ground which is way harder) AND the kitchen floor hopefully before The Bossess arrives back after her work week.
There was a technical difficulty with The Vac as The Bossess has a bad record with anything that requires attention including petrol gauges.

The weather here comes mostly from the North West and can change in minutes. It looked like this when we started up the mountain but was 19 C and rolled up sleeves by the time we were down.

He has just finished a great book… Nutshell by Ian McEwan where the story is told by a yet to be born baby… It kept him inside this afternoon when he could have been out with ME.
9000 steps and 69 floors don't really wear me out.


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