Travel Day

We left the condo at 7:30 this morning bright eyed and ready after checking out with our host. Not too much morning traffic and we arrived with plenty of time. Then it started taking a turn. - we had a connecting flight from Florida to Chicago and then on to Boston. Kind of crazy since Chicago is quite a bit west of the beginning and ending. Arrived late to Chicago - no worries that flight was delayed by 2 hours. Finally in the air by 4:30 pm and arrived in Boston around 7. The plan was to catch a 7:30 bus to New Hampshire. Just as we exited the baggage claim, we saw our bus drive by. So here we are on the 8:30 bus - it's now 9:30 and we should arrive at our car in the next 20 minutes and then a 40 minute drive home. Long day. TGIF tomorrow.

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