
Lucky Locket lost her pocket
Kitty Fisher found it
Not a penny was there in it
But a ribbon round it!

This would have been the sort of pocket that Lucy Locket lost and in the local church there is a beautiful display of embroidered pockets each relating to a psalm or hymn.
This pocket relates to a hymn by Jan Struther.

Daisies are our silver
Buttercups our gold
This is all the treasure
We can have or hold.

Raindrops are our diamonds
And the morning dew;
While for shining sapphires
We've the speedwell blue.

These shall be our emeralds-
Leaves so new and green;
Roses make the reddest
Rubies ever seen.

God who gave these treasures
To your children small
Teach us how to love them
And grow like them all.

Make us bright as silver:
Make us good as gold;
Warm as summer roses
Let our hearts unfold.

Gay as leaves in April,
Clear as drops of dew-
God who made the speedwell,
Keep us true to you.

Not a hymn I am familiar with at all!
But a beautiful pocket.

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