Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another town visit!!

I did really well at the gym today - I put my bike up from Level 0 to Level 25! The top one! And I could keep going for five minutes. I think there must be something wrong with their settings.

I also tried upping the levels on the cross trainer, but not so much success - I managed five minutes at Level 15. Progress!

JR then went to the gym and I waited in for a delivery which didn't come. When she came home I went into town for some shopping. That's twice in one week!! Unheard of. I even went into a well known department store, but it was not a pleasant experience, so I can predict I'll never ever go there again. The cafe on the top floor has a pleasant outlook, even though it seems that the staff are pretty tardy at clearing the tables...

I wandered along Princes Street getting very hot and bothered, as it had come out steaming hot, but there were lots of bus stop benches to have a sit down on. I did get a pair of outdoor trousers on sale, the purpose of my visit.

When I came back the delivery had arrived - a new rectangular (not circular) kitchen rubbish bin. And very nice it is too, and even though it had a press button lid, I still can't see how it can cost that much!

Kirsten popped in after lunch to take Archie out for a walk in between studying and writing essays. (She was doing the studying and essay writing...)

In the evening we popped down to Rufus' house to visit his mum and her friend, who are sailing off on a Danube Cruise on Saturday. Very exciting!

Extra: Couldn't resist another castle and blossom shot...

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