Wild swimming

Such a beautiful September day, warm and sunny. A day to take a picnic to the river and relax. The boys swam in the crystal clear water, surrounded by gudgeon and chubb and then skimmed stones in the shallows. Pete waded out into the weeds and hunted for aquatic insects. He also found an unusual looking stonewort, which proved to be the nationally scarce species Nitella mucronata. And I photographed my family (something I do far too rarely) and the many dragonflies darting around the emergent fringe. I dithered about my blip choice, as for the first time in my life I managed to get several reasonable shots of flying dragonflies which I've put in my Blipfolio. But this shot of Chris shaking his head seemed to sum up all that was best and unique about this dazzling, sparkling September day.

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