With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Reach up and out

Life is still a little in mono, but anything but monotonous.

The preseason friendly for Ben was in the afternoon for once, so we had a relatively relaxed morning and some sorting of toys, which thinking about it now, was a little ironic.

The slightly altered team had a resounding 0 - 4 victory on the outskirts of Palma (the cemetery in the distance above some wasteland, I must go there again soon). It was good to see the three centimetres Ben gained over the holidays were put into good effect and those fingers can deflect the ball from even further now.

The boys were met by Agu and are off for the rest of the weekend. I raced back, for what I wasn't sure, but it turned out to be a very jolly evening with some very creative people. I have been inspired to just do more stuff with what I already do. Thankyou J for a great chat. And I was so delighted by a wonderful woman C, a face I knew so well from my childhood. The only person who could tame the terrible Hambel.

Now, what's through the round window....

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