Dinner in the pub

Now, I'm not one for photos of my dinner as a rule but here we have me and Jo from work going out after work. She just had two hours before going to a netball match. I had no such plans. I am going to leave it to your own thoughts on who had the starter or burger and who had the lime squash or bottle of wine.

(I did bring the rest of the bottle home, I can't bear to pay those inflated by the glass costs. Plus this is the pub with really cheap nice wine)

Today: the same as yesterday (and tomorrow):
~ Meetings - on the whole productive I think, time will tell
~ Interviews- ohhh, that's going to be a whole can of worms yet for final discussion.
~ Training - same old session, 3/4 so far. I'm getting my spiel off pat now.

Am nearly at my " hotel by myself" limit. Some lovely social plans are cropping up over the next week though so I will focus on them in my time left here.

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