I''m Falling... On Down, Again
That Allotment is my new happy place.
I'm pretty crap at the gardening side of things - I killed two pots of Herbs at the weekend; but I do enjoy the peace and quiet and the bird song, and greenness and the birds.
I suggested to Him tonight that we meet for a moment, before dinner tonight, and he positively jumped at the suggestion. I think he feels the same way.
There was one other person there, and they were just leaving... and they left before we realised that we didn't have the code for the car gate... Luckily a committee member's phone number was inside the allotment fence... so we were sorted.
We stole some more wood chips,and lugged them back to the allotment, and we had a wee wonder round, peering into everyone else's allotment to see what was growning.
The birdies were singing, and the sun was glinting through the trees. The bluebells were just starting to burst... it was perfect.
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