
By AllAboutUs

Something sweet at lunch.

We were up and out early to make our way back home to Scotland. We stopped off at New Fancy view point to try and see goshawks, it was very misty and we did not get to see any but it was a very nice view.

We then started the drive north but stopped in Droitwich for lunch with my mum, we sat outside enjoying our lunch and the sunshine. Just as we finished Richard looked down and said he thought he saw a rabbit. It was not a rabbit, but a little 13 week old Dachshund; it was really small and very very sweet.

Us girls had a cuddle and after considering and asking the owner if we could steal her, we gave her back, she really was the sweetest dog I have ever seen.

We got home this evening and have been busy unpacking; I now have a mountain of washing to do.

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