Bye bye 42.

A few of my favourite things:

Butterfly, bee, verbena, sunshine, drinking tea in the garden with Mum while she witters and lets me interrupt to talk over her or take photos or deal with the children.

It's my birthday tomorrow.


I have no idea how that happened. Something to do with the earth turning and my body ageing.

Was 42 the year when I found the meaning of life?


I really hope I get another 42 years. Its horrid not knowing if you have another 2 seconds left of life or if you will in fact live to be 102 but it's probably even worse knowing...

I've learnt a lot this year and the most important thing is to have low expectations, to take each moment as it comes; to hope and plan for a future but not to necessarily expect it for myself. I expect and want it for those who follow me and I hope I get a few more years yet.

Today I tweeted this: 'I don't understand why some people can't just "be" Why does there always have to be a planned activity, a point or entertainment to a day?'

Just be

(and butterfly ;o) )

PS The bee looks good large with its really cute back leg sticking out

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