A New Day

By ANewDay

(Not Quite) Mono Monday

This is one of the very black lambs in the field near our house.  Not a good shot as he moved, but it will have to do for now.  

By the time I walked back from taking his photo, I felt decidedly queasy, but was persuaded to have a light lunch by TJ.  Bad mistake, as I was very very sick about an hour later and then again twice more during the afternoon.  TJ was really worried, as I am NEVER sick!  Last time was during the gall bladder saga a few years ago, so it was obvious what he was thinking.

However, I've been okay for the past 2 hours, so think I'm over the worst of it.  Have no idea what caused it, as we have eaten the same food for every meal and, if anything, he's the one with the delicate stomach:-)  Fingers crossed that it was nothing to worry about and won't come back.

I may have to catch up with you all tomorrow, as I feel pretty tired now.

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