From the Train Window

Well I think the weather has once again reset itself to October! It is cold, wet and windy today. 

I'd noticed how pretty the fields between here and Metheringham looked from the train, and today I remembered to take a photo of them in case I didn't get anything else.Which, as it happened, I haven't!

My folks weren't sure if I was going today or tomorrow, and had said they would go for a drive if I didn't go today. My mum was quite disappointed when I turned up! She pestered my Dad and he ended up taking her for a drive anyway when I went home. No matter how much her memory has gone, she's still like a dog with a bone for some things!

My Dad has to take a steroid for a while, and have a repeat blood test in three weeks, so hopefully then we will get a clearer idea of what is causing his neck pain. It comes and goes, and it doesn't help that he overdoes things when it is gone!

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