
By FergInCasentino

Piazza della Liberta' (again)

A busy day.

A meet up with La Stella di Kerry in Florence for a chat and a wander to the market and some food al fresco. It was a tad fresco with Il Grecale continuing to huff and puff.

The huffing and puffing closed incoming flights to Florence and La Stella was rerouted via a coach Bologna. All very trying but lovely to see her.

The Boss and I then sashayed over to IKEA which sits under the flight path. I had expected it to be busy but it was calm and quiet. The fatigue didn't take long to set in as we waited to get a ticket to go to an external 'deposito' to pick up the two chairs - the new Vedbo - we had ordered.

One had the usual anxieties about whether they'd stow in the car but divested of their packing it was snug. The armed security guard looked on with an air of bored but piercing curiosity.

Back at Base Camp we put the new light and the chairs together with the usual swearing and sweating. It has made a real difference to the rather hall-like feel of our dark downstairs quarters.

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