Glass work

One of the things I enjoy doing is bouncing around at arts & crafts festivals. I always find something that surprises me. And today was no exception.

The featured gent, Gary, is a glass maker that combines his creation with holders shaped as helixes (some of them as double-stranded DNA helixes -- see extra for samples). When the helix sways in the wind, it creates optical illusions, where either the glass ball(s) seem to move up and down the helix or they seem to float in suspension, while reflecting whatever scenery is around them. It's endlessly fascinating and so cleverly executed!

So I bought one, after spending 30mns chit-chatting with him and going back and forth on which color combo I'd want. And now, I think I need two more... :)

And on another front, the results of the French election... I sure hope my compatriots come to their senses for the 2nd round and do not elect the female version of Trump....

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