Kicthen emptied...

After the water leakage some weeks ago we have tried to sell the kitchen. A new one was ordered some time ago. It will arrive May 9th. The carpenter, plumber and electrician start the repair work May 2nd. Building a new roof, floor and walls. Not all was damaged by the leakage but we want a total renovation. When we didn`t get any interested buyer, we lowered the price next to nothing. Still no one showed up after a period of 60 days. Felt some pressure. Last week we offered the whole kitchen for free, if taken down and away. Got an avalanche of people who wanted it. Agreed with one that comes tomorrow morning to pick up our the nice fully in order kitchen for free! I don`t know what I feel. Mixed feelings. Have worked most of the Sunday too, for free,  to empty the kitchen! Wish you a nice new week though:-)          

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