SAINT  GEORGE  FOR  MERRIE  ENGLAND.
Little is known about Saint George. Both parents were from noble Greek families, father born in Cappadocia, mother born in Lydda, Palestine, a Roman province, where George is said to have been born in AD 280. According to legend, he was a Roman soldier and an officer in the guard of the Emperor Diocletian, who ordered his death in Nicomedia, in the year 303, for failing to recant his Christian faith. He then became a martyr and was immortalised in the myth of St George And The Dragon. Many patronages of Saint George exist around the world. I received a copy of this book as a birthday present as a child in the 40's and was lucky to replace the long lost original with this one, found at a boot sale. When my younger brother saw it a few years ago, he said he was terrified when I read it to him when he was little, so I read it to him again  He still thought the genie appearing out of the ground was scary !
This book was published by Juvenile Productions, London.

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