The narrowboat tearoom

Kate came over and wanted a good walk. We walked to the boathouse in Appely Bridge for lunch. I took her on the public footpath not realising we had to run for our lives across Gathurst Golf course. We found our way no problem and it was so much nicer than going down the road. After a lovely 2 course lunch we walked along the canal to the narrowboat tearoom for tea. It had just closed but they did serve us. What a lovely place, I've wanted to go for a while and it didn't disappoint. We walked further along the canal to Crooke then up the field home. The sun shone the whole time and it was quite warm. We walked almost 6 miles and had a really nice time. What a lovely day, shame the weather is going to turn in a couple of days. The extra photo shows where the boat is moored and the boat.
Thank you for all the lovely comments and stars on my blip yesterday I am behind replying.

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