Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

Welcome to Bo Kaap

This almost entirely muslim "coloured" community in downtown Cape Town is a real gem. We went in search of minstrels (see tomorrow's blip) and a good plate of middle-eastern food and found a neighborhood unlike any others I've been to here, as it is both (relatively) low-security/low-crime and low-poverty. A very, very rare combination! I was asked for money only once by two mischievous little boys eating popsicles who asked me for a one-rand coin and then giggled jubilantly with their blue mouths -- this doesn't count. I also really loved the way they socialized on their stoops and the food was delicious and 100% Halaal-certified, as well. I didn't know what Halaal certification meant at the time, but I looked it up (see below) and it's pretty cool.

If our current little flat weren't so convenient for work, I'd seriously consider relocating here. Bo Kaap is a very close, healthy and tolerant community from what I could tell.

Halaal certification (see http://www.tmfb.net/certfcn.html):

"A Halaal certificate issued by the Muslim Food Board is an assurance that a particular product has been thoroughly investigated and found to conform to Islamic Dietary Laws and therefore is suitable for consumption by Muslims. Products submitted for Halaal certification are investigated and vetted by the authentication department. As part of the investigation process all the ingredients and all aspects of the manufacturing / processing of the product are looked at carefully."

Sort of like Kosher is to Jewish.

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