And so it begins....

..... the demolition of Christmas.

I always hate this part. Back to work Monday, and striving to get back into another frame of mind.

Taking all the decorations off the tree.
Getting the tree out the house.
Getting the hoover out, knowing that the pine needles will be there for next Christmas.
Sorting through the cards, making sure that changes of addresses have to be noted. (and deaths, and divorces......).
Putting all the Christmas candle holders into their boxes.
Taking Christmas pictures down, and putting the usual ones back up (quite nice to see old friends back).
Putting away excuses for excesses of food and drink.
Buying low fat spread again.
Facing the dreaded build up of e mails at work (no, I do not want anything of mine enlarged, thank you).

Ah, the joys of the aftermath.

Maybe I'll just put it off, and enjoy the delights of living in Santa's Grotto for one more day.

When IS Twelfth Night, anyway?

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