Fruit and veg

A great fruit and veg shop in Clifton village.

A cross section of some Clifton people.

A hipster with his skinny Latte, a girl checking her social networking status and a chef choosing ingredients for the evening.

Is it time to put some tulips in?!

Kitchen to design this morning.

New old house to visit.

Football training to miss (kitchen comes first this week!)

Clifton village to amble around.

During the half hour we sat on the grass next to the Clifton Suspension Bridge two newly married couples drove up and disembarked for wedding photographs.

I seem to have one of those slow burn headaches that hang over you like a cloud.

Mustn't grumble. The weather is gorgeous and we are off meet some friends on the Downs to share a late afternoon glass of wine. Could be worse couldn't it?!

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