Tippety tappety tip tap!

Olivia had her first lesson of tap and jazz dance this morning and parents were allowed to watch as it was the first class. It looked like great fun and Olivia seemed to 'get it' straight away and loved the shoes that she was given to wear for the tap part (probably because they were very noisy). Dexter, who is too young for the class, loved it too as he was dancing away next to us and was able to follow everything that the teacher and the older children were doing much to our amusement.

As the weather is glorious again today we went for a walk/bike/scoot around Tervuren park after the class before stopping for waffles and ice cream - yum, yum!

We're off to a big welcome back party for staff later this afternoon at our boss's house which should be fun and will probably include more ice cream and messy children!

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