If you can see the lights shine in front of me

We had a wee potter up to the Allotment tonight. 

Just a wee bimble round to see what was happening.  Potatoes are bursting throught again - and the Brussels Sprouts are still there :-) 

Then we had a wee drive - there is a fantastic new industrial building down at the harbour, causing no end of complaints.  There is a paper mill down there; and they've build a big furnace to burn the shavings and heat the offices.  But there are people who think that it's polluting the air.

Anyways - the harbour is really, really busy and must be employing loads of people.  And that is a good thing. 

And here, at the other side of the basin, is the Arran Ferry.  There was a debate recently whether this ferry should move from Ardrossan to Troon, for reason that the ferry has to be cancelled loads because Ardrossan can't handle the weather. 

Ardrossan kept it - despite the cost to the Scottish Government to maintain and upgrade the harbour and transport links. (Associated British Ports, were going to pay for the Troon upgrades)  

That's good.  I'm pleased cause Troon doesn't  need the extra transport. 

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