Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Kehlsteinhaus (aka The Eagle's Nest)

Time to brag. My kids were AMAZING today. Truly amazing. 
We wanted to visit the Eagle's Nest (which was exclusively used by members of the Nazi party for government and social meetings. It was presented to Adolf Hitler on his 50th birthday, although he didn't use it as much as we originally thought). From the main parking area you can catch a tourist bus that winds it's way up the mountain or you can walk. The lady in the tourist shop was shocked when we said we wanted to walk. She looked at the kids and said it would take four and a half hours. I'd done my research, and I know my kids, and I knew it wouldn't take us that long. We set off with what felt like disapproving looks. 100 metres away from the shop we saw a walking trail sign that said it would take four hours to get there. We started to doubt ourselves but were still sure that it wouldn't take us that long. We decided to use my garmin watch to measure the distance and start the timer - the kids happily accepted the challenge! I'm not going to lie - the walk was tough in places as it was very steep, but it was also stunning walking through the forested trails, and the higher we climbed the better the views. There were very few people walking, and no children the age of ours, but gradually we started catching up and passing other walkers (who had all the proper gear, unlike us in our trainers!). They applauded the children which only spurred them on! We let them dictate the pace and stopped when they wanted for water and a rest. Olivia also led Dexter through some stretching exercises so that his legs didn't seize up! We were SO proud of them when we reached the top as they did a really great job. And the time - one hour and 40 minutes! I'm sure there must have been some whinging but I prefer to gloss over that now, as they really did do well! 

From here there is a 124m tunnel that leads to a really ornate gold lift which ascends the final 124m to the Kehlsteinhaus. I found it really eerie walking down the tunnel and into the lift as it was strange to think that Hitler had done this same journey. The building is now a restaurant so we all deserved a treat of hot chocolate and cake after all our effort. It was freezing at the top so we didn't hang around too long and we caught the bus back down!

After an afternoon rest we headed out for some more exploring and a bit of shopping in Salzburg and bought my birthday present for my 40th! 
We had a lovely last evening in Salzburg...but the holiday isn't over yet!

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