
After yesterday's geekiness today i offer up something i know little about - a teensy banded snail. As i can't id him my man-child brain has named him Brian - if youre of the right age you'll immediately know why.
But Brian's story doesnt end there - i really couldnt choose between him and Brian2 in extras - so I asked Mrs IttH's opinion - and she chose instantly, no hesitation. When i asked why she replied "i like the storyline, i like his sense of adventure, the achievement it represents. That is a snail who is really going somewhere". Its hard to disagree with that kind of logic.

Unlike....'s tale from the door steps:
Me: "Hi, my name is K, Im standing for the LibDems in the..."
Mr Odd: "let me stop you there, Ill be voting UKIP"
Me: "that's cool, thats why we're a democracy. Unfortunately there isnt actually a UKIP candidate standing in this division....:
(Cuts me off)
Mr Odd: "i don't care about that - Ill be voting for them anyway"
Me: "erm, ok. I mean they wont be on the ballot paper, but good luck"
(Backing away slowly)
Mr Odd: "Ha! You've no answers now have you! That's how we win...."

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