Garden Club

At our Garden Club meetings we have a table displaying plant specimens (Horticultural Category) and arrangements(Artistic Category made by members from their gardens. These are optional challenges listed each month in our club program book. The April Artistic Challenge is a Native American arrangement. My offering is a small spring arrangement displayed in a handmade sweet grass basket made by the Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe, The People of the Dawn. My grandmother Nora bought the basket from the maker in the 50s. In the basket cover I have flint points(arrowheads) crafted by the same tribe 3-5000 years ago. They have worked their way out of the eroding hillside. A banking overlooking the Machias Bay at the end of Clark's Point  in Machiasport where my maternal grandfather was born in 1889. The points are in various states of completion, none perfect. Rejects, washed by the tides for centuries, they still appear, sharp and ready in this modern age. 

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cloudy after a rainy night.

All hands still smiling after our blipmeet last night

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