Tulip Dreams at Childhood's Gate

I see her in a golden room
With the moon and stars above her
Her simple smile is Heaven's gate
She's your Wonder Child
And my dreams come true
You've searched all your life
I see her now flying over the universe
Your Wonder Child

- Mary Black, Wonder Child

I can hardly put together words to describe how much I am enjoying the season. It's like Christmas, only with flowers.

Heaven awaits outside each window and door, decorated in blooms of every hue.

The child in me must go and see. And so I follow my heart (again). And I do go; I must, you see.

I walk in wonder through displays of flowers. Even the trees must bloom now; they can't help it!

Springtime makes children of us all again, even if we only become young at heart. Go and see. Go and see.

The soundtrack: Mary Black, Wonder Child.

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