Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix


The destruction of the kitchen continues unabated.

Three plumbers and a builder came round to provide quotes.

More uncovering meant that we have to move the boiler and change our kitchen design. Again.

A procession of dodgy builders and tradesmen have been at work for decades it look like and if I wasn't made of sterner stuff I would have collapsed into a quivering heap.

Luckily Iain came round to give me a hand a lend moral support.

Then MrsClix popped round and luckily her head didn't explode. Well, not yet anyway.

I broke the news of the changes and set backs as gently as I could. The fact that the kids' bedroom floor will need ripping up and probably the front room too.

And then I did what any other supportive husband would have done in the circumstances.

I legged it round the pub with Iain for a beer.

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