Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

There should be three

Bad nights sleep last night as it was so cold in the van. Need to close the roof next time. I slept in my hat and Kilda came and slept part of the night inside our sleeping bags. She wouldn’t settle at all. Had to take her out for a wee at 12.30. Managed to pack up the van OK but Kilda wasn’t very well. She couldn’t sit down as her tail was very sore and had a bit of an upset stomach. Once we had the van all packed up we couldn’t fid the van keys. Emptied the van and scoured the campsite as we think they came out of a pocket last night when walking the dog. Called the AA and we weren’t covered for a return back to the house and it was a £130 upgrade to get us home. The guy in the caravan next to us asked what was going on and offered to drive me back to Edinburgh to collect our spare keys. Very generous of him. Finally managed to get home 5 hours after we should have done. Kilda wouldn’t settle all the way home. Spoke to the vet and if she isn’t better in the morning we need to take her down. Looking things up we think she has swim tail. Ordered a curry in and started to watch the GP.

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