Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Yes that would be on everyone's mind today but it wasn't when The Boss and I took off right after breakfast (both, thank you for asking) "cos he was worried that the sun would not last. It didn't but the score was Blip 1. Weather 0 this time. Totally lucky on that. There were 2 jobs on today and the second one was mow the lawn. Ha Ha Ha.

It was another wild night last night as well, with more of the same so it was a surprise to see the sun this morning, if only for a short time. I was pretty good and only raised my voice a couple of times in the night, when I thought the roof was going to fall in but the lovely dulcet tones of The Bossess soothed my stress and I went back to ZZZ each time. I believe that at one time there was talk of setting up the camera on a tripod in the bedroom looking out the window but common sense prevailed I guess

Shelters like this are very common in NZ and it is rare to see one with sides. I really like my house having sides even if it is under the stairs AND inside as well. There is a lot to be said for belts and braces in times of troubled weather.

Hop in to the hay

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