After our lovely break we had a good evening with various friends celebrating Marie’s birthday and enjoying an Indian meal together.  In true birthday style we played lots of games - Articulate, Jenga and Channel Islands Cricket - although I can’t remember why it is called that.  All the games finished in honourable draws, but they were great fun nevertheless.

I woke up this morning with a very sore throat - so stayed in bed, hoping it would disappear - but sadly it hasn’t, so am feeling rather jaded and wonder why a sore throat can often make one feel rather poorly.

However, Blip has to go on, so here is my Wide Angle Wednesday shot - Mr. HCB’s lettuce plants, basking in the sunshine.  Well, three of them are but the eagle eyed gardeners among you may realise that the ones on the far right aren’t actually lettuce - they are hesperis matronalis, also known as sweet rocket or dame’s violet and apparently the pretty white and purple flowers can be sprinkled on salads.  Having looked them up, I also found out that you can steep the flowers in port and the resulting drink can alleviate gout.  However, I’m not sure Mr. HCB would be happy for his bottle of birthday port to be used in this manner!

The sun is shining again today but there is quite a keen wind and I understand there may be a frost tonight, so there will be lots of plants brought into the conservatory - well after taking all the trouble to grow them, we don’t want Jack Frost to snatch them from Mr. HCB, do we?

"In the spring 
     I have counted 
          one hundred and thirty-six 
               different kinds of weather 
                    inside of four and twenty hours."  
Mark Twain

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