
By TBay


As I looked out of the bedroom window this pair of Mallard were just hanging around in the garden. They always visit every year attracted by the fallen grain from the bird feeders. Easy meals for them.

Today we headed for Surrey to see Mr Tbays Mother for lunch. Not to bad a drive today which can take for ever of you encounter roadworks / accidents. I am glad to report none of either.

Considering her 93 years she was in remarkable good form and a very nice visit was had. Our great friends the W's phone to say that Mr W's Mother had been found dead in the garden of her home. We had only had lunch with her a few days ago and she looked absolutely fighting fit for her 83 years. You just can never tell.

At our lunch she had asked me to look at her family tree which I had just completed a few days before she had died, but sadly she never saw it. The moral of this story is to do these things when you are younger! Write down your memories of childhood, of your family, where you lived and went to school etc. You may not think it is interesting but rest assured future generations will! You are living history!

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