Off the wall!

Went to the library, to order another book. and then went to the gym. Didn't see anyone I knew, rare and afterwards, walked to town. First stop was Wilko, where I stupidly, phoned J, to ask him if he wanted anything.  He wanted a new hosepipe,  and after describing every one  in the shop, he told me which one to buy. I wasn't  at all happy, as the flipping thing, wouldn't go in my canvas bag. Bear in mind, I have my gym bag slung over my shoulder, and now a hosepipe as well. My next stop was Boots, where I had to pick up our repeat prescriptions. This took at least ten minutes, and filled up yet another bag. By this time, there was no way that I could take my camera out of my gym bag to take any photos. Next stop was the bank, because I had to pay our monthly  bill. The queue was long, and there were only two tills open. By the time I got to the counter, I said to the assistant, you are busy today (which was stating the obvious) Yes, she said, someone came in on Saturday, to use the self serve machine, and they had put a raffle ticket amongst the banknotes, and it broke the machine. A guy was still trying to repair it, hence the queue. I wasn't in the best frame of mind by this time, and made my way to the bus station. The bus was in, so far so good, and  as soon as I sat down the bus pulled out. All of a sudden, a humongous  smell hit my nostrils.I put my hand under my nose, and by a process of elimination, tried to work out where , or who, the smell was coming from.  There was a man standing, with his dog, so I thought maybe it was the dog, but they got off, and the smell was still as bad. I think it was an elderly gentleman, who was at the front of the bus. I couldn't wait to get off the bus, and breath some fresh air. By the time I walked into the house, I wasn't best pleased.Luckily, J had made my coffee, and a sandwich, so that helped me calm down. The hose was well received, but too long, so you can possibly imagine my reply. As I didn't have a blip, J suggested we go for a drive. We went to Porthcawl, where I took this, and my world is now back on an even keel.

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