Sun and Rain

I was working today. Neil does not get any public holidays and because I can work flexible, I often work on holidays and take them at another time that works better with our schedules.
Great thing is, that everything is quiet and I can tackle things that are often pushed back during busy times.
I had a good day, no one annoyed me and I could eat a few frogs :).
I went out in the sunshine in the afternoon to get some veg. When I left the shop there was a quite heavy rain shower creating a lovely rainbow along the river. (blip)
The evening was relaxed.
Neil was not too late and we visited our couch for the first time since 2 weeks and watched the last 2 episodes of Breaking Bad. 
We were even that decadent that we had our food in front of the telly. But it was home cooked!

I am going to FRA tomorrow, so will not be blipping timely. Ok - I am always late - but now I will be later even ;)

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