Life's tangled skein

By atp

Forth Replacement Crossing Construction Offices

This is a site office for construction of the new Forth Replacement Crossing. Someone has decided that the office, which is really just a pile of Portacabins, should have a mural showing what the task is all about. I don't know how long the mural has been there, I've only noticed it since Monday.

Anyway, the mural shows an artist's impression of the new bridge. It looks as if it envisaged from the shore near Echline, on the southern side of the Forth.

At the extreme right of the picture, you can see the Forth Rail Bridge Then next to that, the northern part of the existing Forth Road Bridge.

Dominating the picture is the new Forth Replacement Crossing. This is a cable stayed bridge, reminiscent of the Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong. The new bridge is 2.7km long including the approach viaducts.

Of course, the picture then becomes confused by the gutter downpipes, lights and signs that the real building behind the mural requires!

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