A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Bourn Post Mill - no not a wind-powered machine for grinding paper into envelopes, but a type of construction where the entire windmill rotates on a post pivot.

Another long day at work. Last nights results weren't conclusive - hopefully tonight's will be. Anyway I need to do some shopping at lunchtime and diverted via Bourn as it was nice to be out in the light for a bit.

The mill is on a site only slightly larger than itself, surrounded with unwelcoming Private Property notices. Glad I took my very-wide-angle lens, and even this image is hauled back from the rather extreme perspective of the original.

Slightly daft evening - we all walked out to Byron's Pool in the dark with four bags of chips; a bit of bat and frog watching then back for fruit salad. Now E and I plan to catch up with Dr Who before the entire week disappears.

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