Look Up...Way Up
Believe it or not, I have been going out every day taking photos, getting in a walk, and spending time with my daughter. No idea why, but I have been lacking the motivation/energy to simply upload photos. I even have them planned every day...an odd slump. I hope it passes soon.
This is the first 'wood' raccoon I have seen this Spring. I have had several around home looking for garbage but they don't really count for me. I now know where this raccoon lives so will keep an eye out for the young.
I have been working hard at adding photos to my SmugMug site....slow going but it is getting there. For anyone who is interested in having a look: Missmac Memories . I love how I can make some galleries password protected for my clients....cool. Pretty user friendly, too.
Well, I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday weekend...and have a super week ahead!
D x
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