
....of the Pike. 

Mary has another exhibition coming up and so we took a few photos today for some of the promotional bits and bobs. Our model was Tess, she left her uni studies to come up Rivington and pose. It was the first time she'd ever done anything like this, but she was brilliant, she went along with everything we threw at her......tutus, scarves, wellies, boots, umbrellas, sunglasses....stand on this wall, lean on that plough, smile, sulk, look here, look there. She was a star.

Mary did have to find a pair of knickers for her though. Poor Tess was handed a tutu that barely covered her frufru and she'd only got on a thong. There are cheeky shots and cheeky shots and we weren't doing that type of pic today! lol

I hope Mary likes what I've done. It was a fun afternoon though.

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