Rutter Falls
It's appeared on blip before but this is the first time I've visited Rutter Falls. As long ago as 2009, The Mate blipped it in full spate. I was amazed that he'd found such a lovely place. Then I forgot all about it!
Today we wondered what to do. We normally spend the Easter weekend sightseeing with the cameras but, this year the weather hasn't been very nice (except for yesterday when I was cleaning the lodge). So today I really wanted to see this watermill.
Determined to take the shot whatever, I put my big brolly in the car. They say it's best to photograph waterfalls on dull day so you don't get the bright bounce of sunlight off the water, or the stark contrast between the water and the shady gully. This afternoon was fine in more ways than one!
Now my shot has only a trickle of water, as you'll have realised if you followed the link, but what it looses in water volume, it gains in "Ahhhh!" appeal! I chose this shot because the red squirrel which delighted us by scampering about over the grass and up the wheel, is actually sitting at the nut-feeder on the balcony!
As if it wasn't a good enough day already with a red squirrel sighting, I had a visit to Orton Chocolate Factory!
Happy Easter, everyone!
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