Mini Magic
It was the day of Lincoln's annual mini show on the Brayford today and Brian had a wander down to have a look around. Town was quiet as everywhere was closed. I think having the show on Easter Sunday was probably a bad idea, as it would have brought in more trade for the shops, and shoppers would have also swelled the ranks of the show crowd.
I liked this toy mini on the roof, and I also like the weird perspactive I managed to get with the buildings. I've boosted the colours too! I'd like to have just boosted the car colours and maybe even Mono-ed the background, but Picasa isn't that sophisticated!
After, we went over to Jeri's with gifts for the boys, (the adults will have to wait!) and received choccie in return. We had a lovely lunch and watched the boys play.
Jeri also showed me her latest marathon medals from Manchester and Brighton. (See extra!) Tomorrow she is running the Boston (UK!) one, and will then be past the half-way mark of five in five weeks, with London and Three Forts to come!
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