In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Children of the revolution

During three Thursday's in March, several primary schools sent some pupils to The Treasure Hub, the place where the Art Gallery has all its art work stored until the gallery re-opens.
The plan for these children was primarily to take photos of part of certain old paintings, or more precisely, parts of the paintings. Some would be chosen to be used by Julien de Casabianca in his Outgoings project in the city. This involves printing the chosen subject once it had been lassoed using Photoshop, it then would be pasted up as street art. The two large ones in The East Green are examples.
I was asked to photograph the school kids as they did this, as a record. It was a joy watching them learn about the gallery and the project.
This image was one of their finished products. They pasted it up themselves. Later on they shall be pasting others up in the areas where they live. Hopefully it will start, if not a revolution, at the very least, they've get persuaded to take art seriously and realise art is for everyone and not just over pretentious art school types.
This festival has been a massive success with hundreds, and I mean hundreds turning up for the free walking tours; films being sold out etc.

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