munchie and Wom

By emilyf

Eat my words

Sooooo, took Charlotte to the doctors this am as she had a dreadful night, sounded like she had smoked sixty a day for sixty years!, within five minutes of being in the waiting room she perked up, by the time we went to be seen she was lively, crawling and chattering away!!!!! Anyhow, doc gave her a full exam and said she was fine, just full of cold- I felt like such a noodle!
Came home and suddenly from nowhere I have the shittiest, stinkiest cold I can remember for ages and ages, feel poorly with it ?.
Heading to bed soon in the vague hope that sleep will help, Charlotte asleep, snuffling away, nose covered in Vaseline to try and stop it getting too sore, think I may do the same to mine.....

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