Man versus Nature

A trip to Spurn Point today a sand and shingle spit (sand bank) that extends out into the Humber estuary. It was the first time I have visited. Having parked at the start I walked out to the lighthouse.

Blustery conditions and low tide meant I didn't spot any unusual bird life. However there were lots of warnings about handling Brown Tail Moth Caterpillars which can cause irritation to skin and eyes. Nearly every bush I passed had their webs (see the extra) suspended from branches.

The area has been defended from invasion and erosion by the sea. Everywhere you go there is evidence of past work. None of which had been successful. So this photo is of man's futile battle with the elements.

Next time I visit I will definitely bring the bike to avoid a long out and back walk.

Many thanks for your responses to yesterday's photo.

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