Jacqueline's Adventures in Encausticland 1

I thought I'd share my first foray into fusing with you.
Fusing is when you melt each layer of wax to bond it to the layer underneath. It involves a blow torch - or a heat gun for beginners like me. It looks easy when the experts (Nancy Crawford videos on You Tube for the curious) do it, but is SO isn't.
I documented my first attempt with pictures. Main pic is number one, rest in chronological order in extras. Matching narrative below. Feel free to snigger. I'm not proud.
Should have something to share with you tomorrow - or - maybe not

Golden Rectangle Task 1
1 Butterflies and Balti.
Butterflies in my stomach and first ever batch of encaustic medium into the pot to melt, or in my case – into the Balti dish to be precise. From The Range (UK) £1.70 each. Stainless steel. I thought the 2 handles might be useful?
2 Being Patient
… and making friends with the new griddle pan, learning how to achieve a constant melting temperature – it only has numbers, 1 – 5, good job I invested in a thermometer to sit on the top of the pan. Wondering if the smoke alarm will hold up? Who’da thunk I was so impatient? Oh! Remember to warm up the board while I’m waiting, thanks for that tip, Nancy.
3 Gratuitous Studio Shot
While I wait – you gotta grab these fleeting moments
4 Waxy Gorgeousness
Aren’t those little nubs of wax beautiful? They remind me of pearl barley. Rather have these than real pearls any day. Melt! Please! Both windows on sea side of studio open, and window along the hall open at other side of house… constant flow of air going through… don’t think I’ll need the fan today. Melt please….. turn up the griddle to number one… keep an eye on that thermometer… 180 degrees seems to be the sweet spot… okay deep breath here we go.
5 First Strokes
What a disaster, not so gorgeous now. I should have done as Nancy said and practised on something smaller. This board is 30 x 30cms. Not getting half way along the board before that draggy brush thing happens. Fusing might help… nope.  I’m gonna be great at making textures! Oh well – melt it off – back into the pot.
6 Harder Than it Looked
Worries and doubts start niggling away… I’m not going to be able to do this… Why is it not smooth like Nancy’s… I spent all this money! I bought all this kit. I’m gonna be rubbish…. Stop behaving like a spoiled teenager, Jac. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Just melt it off and start again….
7 Another Go
Have a cuppa. Think. Breathe. Relax. You can do this. Go watch Nancy again. Figure out what I missed. K. Board is warmer this time. Still a thin layer of wax that didn’t melt off from the failed effort. Brush is moving more smoothly – getting a full strip this time… only in one direction though – not back again like Nancy. This one might be useable… oh I want to stroke it. Cooling flatter after fusing this time… use a pottery loop tool to get rid of those dribbles over the edge. It’s much stickier than I thought it would be… is that the resin doing that? Oh I do love that surface. Tidal wave in the corner, Jac (stop exaggerating it’s just a ripple) Can I live with that? Yes. Next?
Go watch the video again (5th time) Plan. Sketch. Thumbnails. Concepts. Cuppa. Breathe!

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