Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

For her little boy....

MrsDB has been on nearly two weeks with this jigsaw.  As you'd expect, it wasn't until I came along and rescued her that there was any chance of it being finished.  And knowing me as you do you'll know that is a lie!  It's all her own work.  I couldn't be bothered to even think about trying something as complicated as that, I struggle with Grandson Max's Bob the Builder, 20 piece jigsaw!  One of our son's (the 6'6" one - we don't mention him much 'cos he's an alcoholic) has built a manshed pub in his garden and called it The Lancaster and this is his Mum's contribution.  Come the summer the two of them will be found in there every evening absolutely smashed.

BTW  It's a 1000 pice jigsaw.

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