The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Maddison in the Cold

We took Maddison to Sutton Coldfield today to sell my Stamp collection, and it was bitter cold, we wrapped her up in her nice new coat and off we went to the fellowship Hall to see a long standing friend of mine, Brian, to see what he is willing to offer me for the collection.

I won't know for a few days as it will take him that long to study what I have, if he comes up with the right amount, then Bingo I have my 5D if not I save until I get the money.
I am not intending to give the stamps away as it has taken me almost 15years to collect them.

We had a coffee in M&S and then Mrs BM bought a few gooddies and we went home.

I am still sore where Mrs BM hit me for posting yesterdays blip.

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