Slipped skin

As Summer Into Autumn Slips
- Emily Dickinson

As Summer into Autumn slips
And yet we sooner say
"The Summer" than "the Autumn," lest
We turn the sun away,

And almost count it an Affront
The presence to concede
Of one however lovely, not
The one that we have loved --

So we evade the charge of Years
On one attempting shy
The Circumvention of the Shaft
Of Life's Declivity."

The summer season is slipping into autumn with subtle, but increasing speed. Crisp air can only be around the corner, please tell me that is so. We discovered this snake skin in all it's delicate discarded beauty by our patio wall.

For the Record, This day came in overcast and terribly humid. T is working from home and I'm off to painting soon.

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