
We always used to associate these with Palm Sunday so I'm a bit late!
Had a day out with daughter and the 2 older grandsons.
First to Kellie Castle in Fife, with a stop at a small nature reserve where the willows (full of bees) were. Guided tour of castle (along time since last there), picnic, Easter egg hunt and then visit to parts of the castle not included in the tour.
The hunt took us through the walled garden where there were some interesting flowers and I've made a collage of some - see extra.
Then to Pittenweem and a walk along toward St Monans, with a very alternative history tour from the 8 yr-old on the way back. (Everyone from Roman times to the middle of the last century seems to have been along that bit of path and left their mark in some way!) Finally refreshments at the chocolate shop.
Home just in time to get a meal and be out for a thought-provoking Good Friday service.

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